Maintenance for the beginning of the Camping season.


Leaves are budding, fresh green grass is spouting and you feel that familiar call of the wild. Before you go on your grand adventure, it's time to do maintenance.


Items such as checking your tire pressure should be a part of your normal maintenance and is not included below. Also, not all of these may apply to you and your rig but I hope this gets you started. Please share a comment if you have areas that you check at the beginning of the season.


  • Check exterior exhaust and remove debris

  • Observe the main burner. Does it have a hard blue flame? If yellow or lazy, shut the furnace down and clean or replace the burner.

  • Check vent for obstructions and soot.

  • Replace filter

  • Clean air passages, burners and components of pet hair and lint.

Water Heater

  • Check diode for corrosion and replace if needed.

  • Observe the main burner. Does it have a hard blue flame? If yellow or lazy, shut the furnace down and clean or replace the burner.

  • remove air shutter screw and slide air shutter down burner tube. Vacuum burner where it enters combustion tube. Return air shutter to original position and replace screw.

  • With hot water tap open and drain plug open, flush tank by pumping fresh water into the tank with the onboard pump or an external water pressure. Continue this flushing process for approximately five minutes, allowing the fresh water to agitate the stagnant water on the bottom of the tank and force the deposits through the drain opening.


  • Clean the grill assembly.

  • Clean and check all terminal connections

  • Clean and inspect all ground connections

  • Inspect and clean all door seals. TIP: A dollar 
    bill placed between the seal and the closed refrigerator door should be
    difficult to pull out.

  • Inspect and tighten LP lines

  • Test gas safety shutdown features.

  • Fill out warranty maintenance  schedule

Stove and Oven

  • Season your oven stone

  • Check and clean your exhaust vent and filter


  • Check all lights have a strong glow with no flicker.

  • Replace any blown bulbs.

  • Check exterior lights for separation from the camper. Secure and apply sealant.

  • Clean and test smoke detectors

  • Clean and test carbon monoxide detectors

TIP: You can buy a can to test these detectors.

  • To test GFI outlets, turn power on, plug in a light to the GFI outlet. Push the red reset button. If the button does not pop out after pushing the test button or the GFI circuit trips, turn off power to the circuit panel and call an electrician.

  • Check battery electrolyte level is above plate, once plate has become dry it cannot be reactivated. Fill with battery water. 

TIP: If water is being consumed too much this is a symptom of over charging.


  • Clean ceiling and vent fans

  • Confirm ceiling and vent fans  operate smoothly without noise.


  • Apply lubrication and follow maintenance procedure from owner's manual

  • Check wheel barrings on the camper tires

  • Check jack couplers for cracks
    Grease stabilizer jacks

  • Inspect brakes and look for uneven wear.

  • Check frame for rust and debris, repaint as necessary

  • Torque axle mounting bolts to recommended foot pounds


  • Check your 7 way cord, checking for breaks and cleaning all connections.

  • Check your 7 way cord receptacle and remove any debris and clean connections

  • Inspect brakes

  • Check bolts on towing mount and tighten to recommended torque

  • Inspect your tow ball for rust and cracks, apply lithium lubricant


  • Check the slider hydraulic cylinder, extend and wipe down piston rod and apply dry lubricant

  • Slider Electric actuator, extend and wipe down inner actuator and apply dry lube.

  • Inspect hoses and hose fittings for leaks.

  • Lubricate slider arms, gears and winches with dry lubricant.

  • Remove any debris and clean outside walls

  • Lubricate all slider seals.

  • Check seams for separate and repair.

  • Check manual operation on slides.


  • Remove any mildew stains with foaming cleaner

  • Lubricate any hinges

  • Spray fabric with flame retardant and water proofer if needed

  • Clean prefinished panels and wood finish with wood revitalizer or paste wax.


  • Perform LP drop test

  • Clean propane detectors and monitors

  • Have qualified service tech check for leaks and adjust as needed.

TIP: Optimum pressure is 11 inches of water column pressure on most RVs


  • Remove debris

  • Washing according to manufacturers instructions

  • Inspect seals and repair

  • Lubricate roof vent mechnism with light oil and clean completely

  • Inspect AC housing for cracks and repair


TIP: Create sanitizing solution for your tank by adding 1 oz of bleach to 8 gallons
of water.

  • Sanitize drinking hose

  • Sanitize fresh water tank

  • Clean grey and blank tank

  • Remove faucet screens and clean

  • Inspect toilet seals

  • Apply lubricant to shower door tracks

  • Apply RainX to glass shower doors and mirror if desired.

Window & Doors

  • Clean windows and apply RainX if desired

  • Clean screens and repair tears

  • Apply powered graphite to window latches

  • Apply lubricate to window tracks

  • Apply powered graphite to door locks and strike pocket including exterior storage and access doors.

  • Lubricate steps

  • Check vinyl seals for cracking and repair or replace.

Make an appointment with your local fire department to inspect your fire extinguishers. You should have a fire extinguisher with in 10 feet of any fire source. TIP Make sure your extinguisher is good for class A, B and C fires.

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